EXACTLY: precision and process
Pamela Salisbury Gallery Hudson, New York
Rings: 1957-2019, Legends and Tales from Athens to New York
Lalaounis Boutique New York, NY
Pattern Play
Er Buttler New York, NY
Exposición de Samuel Guillén
Galeria Tiempos Modernos Madrid/España
Recent Contemporary Works
Davis and Langdale Company, Inc. New York, NY
Ping/Pong David Hardcastle & Samuel Guillén 2 Jewelers in Conversation
Brooklyn Metal Works Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn Metal Works, Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn Metal Works, Brooklyn, NY
Summer Exhibition June 15 - September 18 2015
Davis & Langdale Company, Inc. New York, NY
Samuel Guillen: Recent Jewelry 2015
Davis & Langdale Company, Inc. New York, NY
Brooklyn Metal Works, Brooklyn, NY
Caminerias Geométricas
Secadero Uno, Caracas, Venezuela
Sao Paulo, Brazil