EXACTLY: precision and process
Pamela Salisbury Gallery Hudson, New York
Pamela Salisbury Gallery Hudson, New York
Rings: 1957-2019, Legends and Tales from Athens to New York
Lalaounis Boutique New York, NY
Lalaounis Boutique New York, NY
Pattern Play
Er Buttler New York, NY
Er Buttler New York, NY
Exposición de Samuel Guillén
Galeria Tiempos Modernos Madrid/España
Galeria Tiempos Modernos Madrid/España
Recent Contemporary Works
Davis and Langdale Company, Inc. New York, NY
Davis and Langdale Company, Inc. New York, NY
Ping/Pong David Hardcastle & Samuel Guillén 2 Jewelers in Conversation
Brooklyn Metal Works Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn Metal Works Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn Metal Works, Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn Metal Works, Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn Metal Works, Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn Metal Works, Brooklyn, NY
Summer Exhibition June 15 - September 18 2015
Davis & Langdale Company, Inc. New York, NY
Davis & Langdale Company, Inc. New York, NY
Samuel Guillen: Recent Jewelry 2015
Davis & Langdale Company, Inc. New York, NY
Davis & Langdale Company, Inc. New York, NY
Brooklyn Metal Works, Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn Metal Works, Brooklyn, NY
Caminerias Geométricas
Secadero Uno, Caracas, Venezuela
Secadero Uno, Caracas, Venezuela
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sao Paulo, Brazil